Review of Psycho II

Psycho II (1983)
An Intriguing, if Unnecessary Sequel
22 December 2008
Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho is a film that requires no introduction, or, indeed a sequel. While it's understandable to be dubious, Psycho II is actually a very heartfelt and accomplished work. Richard Franklin and Tom Holland clearly have a lot of respect for the original, as they don't once try to surpass its achievements or rip it off. They have their own vision of Norman's story, and their own sense of direction.

Anthony Perkins reprises his role as the unforgettable Norman Bates. (Who else could possibly play this character?) It may be 22 years later, but Perkins has not lost his hold on this character. He plays Norman Bates with the same menace and underlying current of madness; and he does so with such conviction and subtlety. It was this film, in fact, that convinced me that Anthony Perkins is a very talented actor.

So 22 years later, after he was institutionalised, Norman Bates is released. He returns to his house and motel; which holds many demons and difficult memories for him. Norman gets a job at a local diner, and befriends a girl called Mary, who also works there. With nowhere else to go, Mary begins staying at Norman's. From hereon in, things start to unravel. Norman is evidently trying hard to hold on to his sanity, and get his life back on track; but he is struggling with delusions, or so it at first appears...

Psycho II really isn't a horror film in its strictest sense. While there are two very memorable and harsh deaths, this is really more of a drama with thriller elements; The power of mental illness being its forefront theme. Anthony Perkins hits the nail on the head with his portrayal of a man so deep in his own psychosis that he can no longer separate fantasy from reality.

The progression of the events in Psycho II are interesting, and the audience is a thrown a real curve ball of an ending. I was pleasantly surprised by this, it's a really strong effort from everyone involved.

A rehash of the classic original this is not, Psycho II is a very effective and solid standalone in its own right.
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