Star of India (1954)
STAR OF India (Arthur Lubin, 1954) **1/2
30 December 2008
I acquired this via a recording off a foreign Cable-TV channel named "Movies 4 Men". It's an infrequent U.S.-Italian co-production for the time (another, and equally rare, is the minor Errol Flynn vehicle CROSSED SWORDS [1954]); this stars Cornel Wilde – flanked, as was his custom, by wife Jean Wallace.

From the title, I was expecting an African adventure a' la "The Four Feathers" but this is actually an unusual swashbuckler set in France and revolving around the hunt for the titular jewel. Wallace, a Dutch aristocrat, wants to restore the Star Of India to the people who worshipped it and enrolls the aid of ousted lord Wilde to do so. Actually, it's in possession of a public official (typically dastardly Herbert Lom) and which he jealously guards; incidentally, this is yet another film where, in spite of doing creditable work, the athletic lead is upstaged by a formidable actor playing the brooding villain!

Several complications arise out of this situation, not least (or least predictable) of which is the fact that, amid much surface disdain – Wallace has been living in Wilde's confiscated estate while he was off to war – the two fall in love. Eventually, the hero gains hospitality at Lom's mansion, thus allowing him free rein to search for the jewel (he had earlier secured the statue in which it's kept but, unaware of a hidden panel within the structure, had returned the apparently worthless artifact to its master!), which happens to coincide with an extended visit by the king (Basil Sydney) and his consort (Yvonne Sanson); the former himself makes no secret of the fact that he wishes to acquire the Star Of India merely to donate it to the latter! Anyway, much standard action (chase, torture, duel, etc.) ensues – making for a pacy outing providing 90 minutes' worth of unassuming entertainment that's perfect fare for this time of year.
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