While none of them were especially great, all the portions of the film were well done
31 January 2009
This is an interesting film because like several other European films of the 1960s it's an anthology--directed by several different people. However, unlike many such films, this one actually plays almost like one long story instead of a collection of short films--especially because in a few stories, the characters appear to be the same--just older. Each story is about a different aspect of love--such as curiosity, marriage, infidelity and divorce. They all purport to be about women, though without the men in the film, none of these stories would have worked! Now compared to American films of 1960, this film might have seemed a tad bawdy. After all, it talked about adultery, premarital sex and the like, though a few American films of the day actually were beginning to address these issues as well--just not quite as quickly and directly as this film. Though, even for the supposedly open French, it was cute to see that the French parents, too, struggled with telling their kids the true facts of life. Also, while the film could seem a bit amoral in not openly condemning adultery, the film also seemed to affirm marriage in the cute segment where divorce lawyers and a nosy mother managed to ruin a perfectly good divorce.

Overall, the directing, writing and acting were all very good and I really had a hard time telling that they actually used multiple directors, as they all seemed well integrated into the film and were universally entertaining.
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