Teheran (1946)
A time bomb for Franklin D.
1 March 2009
World War 2 is at its end. On the stage of an empty concert hall, British officer Pemberton Grant is playing absentmindedly piano, thinking back of the past... All of a sudden, a man working in this concert hall shows up to see who's playing the piano. Grant starts telling him about his meetings with Nathalie Trubetzin, a mysterious woman during crucial stages of his military intelligence career. They started out as lovers, but as time went by, their romance came to an end. When he met her again in 1943, she turned out to be married. Grant discovers that her husband is involved with Nazi arms smugglers. When he tries to persuade Nathalie with incomplete proof, she brushes it away, thinking he's just jealous of him. Grant though is sure her husband is up to something, and he discovers that the Nazi agents are plotting to kill US President Roosevelt, who's due to meet with Stalin and Churchill for a top conference. Nathalie, who dearly loves her husband is now faced with the facts, and with pain in her heart, she decides that this plot has to be stopped. She contacts the Soviet representatives in Teheran. Together, the Russians and the British manage to arrest these fifth columnists. At the time this movie was made, the Russians still were considered as Allies who had helped to crush down Hitler and his clique. Just as movies like 'North Star' (1943)or Tourneur's 'Berlin Express' (1948), this one still is quite friendly toward Moscow. Things would change under the McCarthy era, with titles such as Red Menace, Woman on Pier 13 or My son John.

Actually, the Germans did try to kidnap Roosevelt in Teheran in November 1943. The idea was to send a team of 40 men led by Otto Skorzeny and Walter Schellenberg to Iran. However, the Russians managed to do the unthinkable: ... to infiltrate in this SS-team... ! Their agent Nicolas Kouznetsov did send out a timely warning. So, when the German team arrived in Teheran, it all ended with a shoot out with the Russians in the streets of Teheran. Roosevelt later arrived with 70 bodyguards, and the top conference with Stalin and Churchill went on without further incidents.
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