Review of Defiance

Defiance (I) (2008)
A masterpiece!
6 March 2009
This is the story of the Bielski brothers who fled to the forest's of Bela-Russia when their little farming town was attacked by Anti-Semites during the Nazi invasion of that region. Using their knowledge of the woods they find an area deep within the forest where they eventually settle. Realising that leaving the forest would mean certain death, they eventually build a small settlement and plan to stay there until the war is over.

Word soon spreads amongst Jewish refugees that the Bielski's offer protection from Nazis to any Jew, with the result that eventually there are hundreds of Jews running into the forest to join them.

True to their word they never turned away any Jew.

The movie centres around the disagreement between the two older Bielski's, who have different points of view on what is the best way to lead and protect their fellow Jews. Tuvia (Daniel Craig) would rather "save 10 Jews than kill one Nazi", whereas his brother Zeus believes that attack is the best form of defence.

As the Nazi's eventually find out where the settlement is and begin to attack, the question is now whether to run and hide or to stand and fight. In the balance of the Beilski's decisions hangs the lives of 1500 people, including the life of their two younger brothers. What decision is best?

This move is an epic tale, masterfully filmed and superbly acted. It is a triumph on par with Schinlder's List and Life is Beautiful. There is enough suspense and drama to keep you on the edge of your seat, fragmented with small scenes of humour and love in just the right places.

The story itself is a testament to the strength of the human spirit at the centre of history's darkest hour.

The finest film this decade. The finest holocaust movie since Schindler's List.

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