Amateur hour even by the Django clone standards.
19 March 2009
Directod Eduardo Mulargio (as Edward G. Muller!) churned out a bunch of cheapie spaghetti westerns in the genre's heyday in the late 60's to early 70's. Don't Wait Django, Shoot is one of them, with Ivan Rassimov (as Sean Todd - the blue-eyed character actor mostly known for his roles as villain and psychopathic killer in gialli) in the role of Django Foster (he's got a surname too this go around!) trying to avenge the death of his father by a bunch of Mexican cut-throat extras with greasy faces. The production values are as low as you'd expect from a Django clone probably made in a week to turn in a quick buck, there's lots of non-acting going on, the dialogue is very poor and the script seems to have been conceived in one day and written in another. Entire scenes seem to exist for no other reason than to communicate a single line and the gunfighting is dime a dozen. The movie looks like it was shot 15 minutes from Rome instead of Arizona, Sonora or wherever it's suppose to take place. There are dozens more well made, more interesting, more entertaining spaghetti westerns out there and I'm not even talking about the A-list pictures of Leone, Corbucci or Sollima. This is a third-tier quickie at best and just not a good movie.
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