Review of Roswell

Roswell (1999–2002)
An ending I hoped for
8 April 2009
Let me start off by saying the show was awesome. This might contain some spoilers. If u're wondering why the sudden interest in Roswell after almost a decade, its 'cos of Twilight... the similarity between the two is undeniable, I mean, I was suddenly wanting to watch Roswell after I saw Twilight, and I'd forgotten all about Roswell by now. Anyways, after watching it again, I was again really let down with the ending.

So, okay, Max ends up with Liz, yeah, I was hoping for that too but after all that, big deal! There's a bigger picture of epic proportions here! Here's an ending I would've liked, a little far fetched perhaps... by the way, I haven't read the books. So, okay, Tess comes back with the baby, and the cover is blown, don't make her an alien on the run. Let the gov find out, I mean the good guys. The gov gives her 'n the baby protection. Then Max, Iz and Michael have no other choice but to approach them and confront them with the truth. Max exhibits his super powers and tells them that he is the King of another planet, etc, etc... and that Antar is in trouble. Then, all the people of the earth come to know of these aliens or at least the good guys in the gov not out to kill them. Earth(us) make a pact with Zan, King of Antar, learn from Antar bout space travel, and other superior technology, and in return, help Zan(Max) regain his throne and save the inhabitants of Antar from Kivar. (FYI, I promise I haven't completely lost it, but I've just been watching too much Roswell this past week) I'm sure the concept of Max coming to the conclusion of 'saving earth without getting involved with the law', that's clearly reflects the biblical concept of JC coming to earth to save the people, but it doesn't apply in the case of Max, 'cos all throughout the show, his planet's the one in need of saving.

Maybe, the show should have another season. With the current ending, here's a thought for season 4. Its now 10 or 15 years after Max 'n Liz got married, Zan(Max's baby that he gave for adoption in order to save him from himself) is not human after all. Zan starts experiencing some super powers and he is in search of his true identity. Since Max, by now, has forgotten all about Antar, the Antar people start reaching out for help through Zan. Well, Zan finds Max... Max learns to embrace his true identity and then after several heartwarming episodes of Zan getting to know Max and his uncle and aunt Michael and Isabel, whom by now are in various parts of the world living normal human lives, Max and Zan approach the gov and tell 'em their planet needs help, and after that the ending like the one i gave above. Liz can go to Antar 'n be accepted as queen, for all I care.

I really love this show, and its a shame it ended so abruptly, leaving so many open ends. The characters I really enjoyed watching were Michael and Maria, especially during season 1, that was real, the Max-Liz thing was too far-fetched and unrealistic to me, the same way I feel about the whole Isabel-Edward stuff in Twilight, I don't know if any normal person can relate to that but I have to say that the romance between Max and Liz is the glue that holds it all together, and I really like Jason Behr and Shiri Appleby's acting. I think Katherine Heigl won over everybody's heart from the beginning to the end. The rest of the cast, those who played the sheriff, Kyle, Tess, Maria's mom, Max 'n Liz's mom and dad, Alex, all of them played their parts to perfection and the cast selection was excellent, its very seldom to like so many members of the cast. I totally enjoyed watching the show. The 'snapple' episode in season 3 is classic, totally loved it.
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