Worth watching for the performances from Elvis Tsui, Yuen Yat Chor and Alex Man
19 April 2009
These 3 actors do such a great job in this movie. It would have been completely stale without them. Ben Lam is the 4th co-star, and he does a good job, but there was nothing about his performance that made him stand out like the other 3 actors. Elvis Tsui, Ben Lam and Yuen Yat Chor are in prison for fighting for their freedom. They are given a job as undercover gang members and in return they will be able to get their passport and finally have their freedom. They meet up with Alex Man who is basically their superior, though he ends up being friends with them more than their superior. There is one conversation between Elvis Tsui and Alex Man that is a really great scene. Just 2 guys talking, except these are 2 actors putting everything they have into their performances. If there were more great scenes like this it would probably be a 10 star movie. But unfortunately this is a Hong Kong movie, and there's just too many things wrong with it. For one, I wish there was more action. There's hardly any at all. And the main thing that bugged me was that the scenes don't flow together well. One scene never seems to lead into the next.

So, if you are a fan of Alex Man or Elvis Tsui, then you may want to take a look at this. Like I said Yuen Yat Chor gives a good performance, but I doubt there's many people that will watch a movie because of a supposed good acting performance from him. I just don't see it happening. And one more thing I have to mention is the torture scene. It's another great scene that stands out in this all too average movie. I don't want to give anything away, so just be on the lookout for it. It's definitely one of the most brutal and realistic torture scenes I have ever seen in a non horror movie.

The picture quality on the Megastar DVD is a little above average and the subtitles are decent.
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