Battle for Terra (I) (2007)
Beautiful and original
28 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I really like this movie. It's a fantastic, beautiful, and otherworldly experience. People have said that the animation style resembles a combination of Star Wars: Clone Wars and Antz or something, which is kind of what it's like, but I think it's a unique and beautiful, somewhat innovative style. It achieves imagery and a visual atmosphere that I'm not sure could be done through live-action with CGI. I especially like the scenes at the beginning depicting Terran life, which is a truly unique experience and probably the strongest part of the movie. I loved seeing all the details of Terra, how Mala had an anatomy diagram, her tools and all the things the Terrans used, the sky-whales, the lovely, fantasy-like, airy landscape where everything seems up in the sky - I thought it was kind of ironic that it was called "Terra," since it seems so ethereal and not earthy. Rarely have I seen a whole alien world articulated so well.

As is often the case the dialogue is weaker than the visual aspect, but I guess you have to remember that this is a kids'/family movie with a clear message. I don't think there was anything amiss with its message, it was subtler than, say, Wall-E. I have to admit that I have a problem with the way environmental politics have been propagandized so much and become almost a cliché, or fad, in very recent years. That doesn't mean that I don't think there needs to be anything done about it, it's just that it seems very sudden, unsubtle, and commercial to me, fed to the masses at an accelerating rate. But this movie was okay. There was nothing wrong with what it was conveying to us. There were some things that were off with the logic of the humans (how the President and lady didn't even bother to contact the Terrans, or voice the obvious idea of building an air dome instead of just saying "There are alternatives," until the General got impatient), the plot or actions, etc., and how the Terraforming device is supposed to transform the whole planet in like 5 minutes (I'm exaggerating, but you know), but the greater - and important - part of it is good. Another highlight is the robot, who I liked.

Someone who commented complained that the movie "advocates suicide attacks" because Jim flies his plane into the Terraforming device in the end. Um, I don't think the message of the movie is really "you can get what you want by being a suicide bomber," I think it's a vastly more important and selfless thing if by doing it you can save two whole species. It made sense to me.

So in conclusion, this is a great and really interesting animated film that's definitely worthwhile to see. It is kind of dark, different, and more mature in tone, but it's still basically a movie for everyone - kids or whoever. I think everyone should see it, as it's an environmentally-oriented film that's in tune with the current concerns and not frivolous or slapdash but has a kind of different take on it, and something to contribute and to do differently with the theme of future worlds with environmental/humanist issues.
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