Team Gaspard
18 May 2009
In Love Is A Ball Glenn Ford is a down on his luck charter boat captain who is asked to join an unusual enterprise by Charles Boyer. Ford has his charter boat business on the French Riviera which is a great place to be if you're down on your luck. This project involves training Ricardo Montalban in the fine arts of royal behavior. Montalban is royalty all right, but the exiled and impoverished kind. Still he does have a somewhat tarnished title the kind that rich folks might marry for the prestige.

This is a plot situation that goes back to authors like Henry James and Mark Twain, the rich Americans getting together nobility down on its luck. You can still find a flock of them today on the Riviera. The problem is that Montalban as Prince Gaspard lacks a lot of polish, in fact he's from the Inspector Clousseau school of unpolished. Hence Boyer as his manager has assembled his team to give him that. Ford's job on the team is to teach him race car driving and horseback riding, he's done both in the past.

The object of all this prince preparation is heiress Hope Lange who is visiting the Riviera with grandmother Ruth McDevitt and uncle Telly Savalas. Ford also is hired on as a chauffeur for wild child Lange to watch the investment for the team.

The most interesting performance in the film is Montalban's who shows a nice comic touch with some tender moments of self reflection with Boyer's secretary Ulla Jacobbson. He realizes more than anyone else what an essentially useless life he leads. Though Clousseau was not yet on the scene, Montalban had the rich comic genius of Jerry Lewis to get some of his moves down for this film.

Ford and Hope Lange were an item at the time and the film was made around the tail end of Ford's career height as a box office star. It's got some nice cinematography of the French Riviera, a place like Hawaii it's impossible to get bad pictures of and a cast that delivers the goods for the viewer.

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