Review of S. Darko

S. Darko (2009)
um, blasphemous, but not bad on it's own
19 May 2009
When I saw this on the rental wall I was psyched, A "Donnie Darko" sequel and with Daveigh Chase!? But I'm not stupid, I read the back of the box and noted that Richard Kelly had nothing, I repeat, nothing to do with this. Argh!! At least When George Lucas altered (bastardized) Star Wars, it was his stuff! This is two guys I never heard of, Nathan Atkins and Chris Fisher. Sigh.

First off if you've never seen Donnie Darko, do so, please. It is possibly one of the best American films ever made. Now, than brace yourself, cause from the moment your realize our tow leads are stranded in a desert town, you know we're in trouble. It doesn't get better. The ending is also troublesome. Whereas Donnie saved the world and did so by selflessly sacrificing himself, Sam appears to manipulate the dead in order to, what? Grow up? Save her bitchy friend Corey and return home? It's vague and annoying. Seriously, what's up with the meteorite?

Not that all is bad, the photography and music are good. Ed Westwick, when God created the perfect man he called him "Ed Westwick", is good as the town drunk. There are a few decent shocks, Hey is that really Elizabeth Berkley!? but overall you wish this had been better done, or better yet, not done at all.
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