Madcap Wacky Fun
20 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Ernst Lubitsch in "The Oyster Princess" {1919} created a parallel universe which seemed to combine the absurdity of the Marx Brothers, the frothy decadence of Oscar Wilde, the logical improbabilities and identity mix-ups of Gilbert and Sullivan with his own special flavour of the risqué.

The ironically named Mr Quaker {Victor Janson} wants to marry off his spoiled brat of a daughter, Ossi, {Ossi Oswalda} to a Prince. The dissolute Prince Nicki {Harry Liedtke} sends his friend Josef {Julius Falkenstein} to scout out the territory with the result that Josef marries Ossi instead. That's just the beginning! In the parade of hilarity which follows we see such things as the apparent groom emptying out the wine storage while wedding guests dance the fox-trot and the Prince enters a women's organisation opposed to dipsomania whose members proceed to have a physical box-off for the privilege of "treating" him for his inebriated condition. And,of course Lubitsch seasons all this with scenes containing clever and funny sexual innuendos.

It's all pretty dementedly absurd humour and very very funny!
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