Unfunny, Unscary, Unsexy, A Contrived Attempt To Be Culty and a Waste of Time!
23 May 2009
Zombie Strippers! starts off with the most stupidly pathetic attempt at political humor ever attempted. What possesses a filmmaker making a genre picture to purposely alienate a decent portion of his audience in the first scene of his movie with an unfunny series of heavy handed jokes that not only beat a dead horse but were almost instantly dated at the time of the film's release?

What's with the Mexican jokes and stereotypes in this movie? I thought the filmmakers were open-minded and compassionate liberals. Isn't it supposed to be the Republicans that are racist and hate Mexicans?

Of all the people I know, the type of people this movie purposely insults (right-wingers) are more likely to watch a movie called Zombie Strippers! than my left-wing friends! Mr. Jay Lee, take a trip outside of L.A. sometime and meet the rest of your audience!

The rest of the movie was even worse than the first scene with painfully unfunny jokes and even worse characters. Did the strip club patrons in the movie actually think these dead women were sexy? I know that the people who visit strip clubs aren't exactly rocket scientists but are they that stupid? I wouldn't know. I've never been to a strip club.

Apparently Robert Englund will do anything for a paycheck. What is he doing in this? He's beginning to make Gary Busy, Dennis Hopper, and Billy Zane look like they choose their projects very carefully. Mr. Englund, there's such a word as "no". People click it all the time when reading my comments!

And finally, what's up with Jenna Jameson's face these days? She used to look cute but lately she's looking a bit more plastic than she used to. Her eyes are beginning to get longer and skinnier while her lips look like she's suffering from an allergic reaction! Lay off the plastic surgery AND the crappy movies Ms. Jameson!
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