Nighthawks (1981)
Nighthawks( 1981)
31 May 2009
Nighthawks is one of the best of Stallone's films because it is more realistic than his later Rambo style movies.All the main actors did well but Rutger Hauer steals the honours.The cool calm and collected menace here was awesomely manifest in 'The Hitcher' later. The story line is splendid though there are several goofs in between.It is unlike the Stallone character to shout at the villain when he first spots him at a disco.He could easily have crept in onto him and taken him along.The other unbelievable goof is that when Wulfgur and the bus drops into the sea the police don't try to trace his body although he has brought the town' to its knees' !!! Such irresponsibility has no place at the highest level of security. The script is splendid and the action is well conceived.It is a pity Stallone didn't made more movies like this until later in life.He could have more than matched the best in acting.
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