Review of Dead Snow

Dead Snow (2009)
Entertaining but lightweight Nordic zombie romp
9 June 2009
No need to rush out to see this one at the flicks.

A fun but ultimately throwaway undead romp set in the Norwegian Fjords. Poor dialogue and acting that's not funny even in a B movie kind of way are saved by the films location (stunning scenery - made me want to get my backpack and head for Scandinavia) and some nice action/gore sequences at the end.

Unfortunately the film fails because it simply has nothing new to add to the genre. There are a million references to many other better horror films that this aspires to but you have to give credit to the director and crew for trying hard with what must have been a low budget. There is lots of passion and energy here but the story and characters are a let down.

Brain Dead and Evil Dead have raised the bar so high that films like this just can't get close. At the recent Sydney Film Festival I much preferred the other zombie film Pontypool which at least offered something new and some fresh ideas rather than just gore.
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