T-2 The Return of Cyborg model # 1 0 1
27 June 2009
This as I remember back in 91' as I watched the first few minutes of the movie take flight, was a vastly different feeling from the original.

In 1984 when I sat through the first Terminator, it seems now in retrospect, a lower budget movie, however a 'gigantic' story feel. It was brand new and it was different than other sci-fi stuff that was out then. I was gripped by the feeling of an almost unstoppable machine. Schwarzennegger had captured the very element of a futuristic killer that was bigger than life. And scarier than HELL. It was an emotional thriller, with bigger than dollars outcome on how you felt when you left the theater after the ending was over. Now it seems to be traded for an over M-TV commercialized slicker packaged new Terminator. This one now is not un-conversational. He can look sideways at you and learn a joke or two. As I watched the new one I enjoyed it but realized later that, this was more like a 'drug' that would fade, than the preamble that left you squirming in your seat and thought provoked by the end.

This was a new-digitally mastered machine that was not going to kill, just act as a body guard for John. Understandably. I can see the point in it and the logic behind that concept for this story. It just was not as bold and fresh as the first. It was quite a thrill-rush...but just seemed to dissolve for me after a while. I liked T-2, truly. This just is though for me not as strong and pure as the first bum-rush the conscious feeling as you watch it, best casted futuristic story, made even better by Stan 'The Wizard' Winston. I had fun with a new friend of mine that I saw this with, but in the end I didn't end up wanting to have or know more. It just thinned out for me too much.(**)
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