America's secret weapon during World War II--Extrasensory Perception!!!
4 July 2009
The film begins with a fight on a bridge, as evil men are attempting to kill someone. However, it all turns out to be a dream by Eileen (Nina Foch). But, if it is just a dream, why is Barry (William Wright) in the dream being attacked and who are the other men? Is this a dream or perhaps a pre-cognition--some psychic situation where Eileen can see the future? It turns out that Barry is an agent for the US government and his job is to coordinate the underground in an assault on the Japanese (the war is still on). His boss (Paul--played by Otto Kruger) briefs him on his mission, but only moments later a Nazi agent sneaks into the home and removes a recording device--and now the enemy knows many of the details of his mission.

Just after Barry is taken prisoner, Eileen is run over by a passing car. While she's not seriously injured, she once again has one of those weird dreams. When she awakens, she goes to see Paul, but he acts as if he has no idea who Barry is or what her concerns are. Of course, considering he's on a secret mission, it's not surprising that he doesn't acknowledge more--plus what stock can you put in a woman's odd dreams or visions.

When Paul won't listen, Eileen rushes to the same bridge where she saw the evil men trying to kill Barry in her first dream. That's because she hopes to rescue him--and that's EXACTLY what happens! So, there is SOMETHING to her crazy dreams--she can see the future! The only negative is that as the men try to kill Barry, he loses a very important package over the side of the bridge that they were trying to toss him over in order to kill him. Oops.

Much of the rest of the film concerns both trying to recover the package as well as stopping the evil Nazi spies. And, to make matters worse, these evil dogs now have captured Eileen, so it's up to the good guys to find her, capture the spies and make the world safe.

Towards the end, Eileen and Barry are captured and locked in a room. The bad guys then open up the gas valve and lock them in to die. The only problem is that they didn't tie Barry up and there was nothing stopping him from just closing the valve! Instead, he comes up with a scheme to get help! A very silly and obvious mistake in the film.

Overall, a silly premise for a film, but considering that it's a cheap B-movie propaganda film, it is still not too bad and pretty watchable today. In fact, the actors tried hard and did decent work but the script was the biggest problem--too many goofy holes or bizarre plot ideas.
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