The Oblongs (2001–2002)
I can not Bevileve I found this Funny.
16 July 2009
This show, I use to have high-hopes for it after watching one episode on Adult Swim. After that, the show just lost my viewing and I still remembered it's existence.

Plot: Sometimes Funny yet, Corny story lines that got worse as the series progressed.

Humor: The only (current airing) shows that I have been able to find about a male child that has humor that isn't completely unfunny or stupid or gross or stuff like that are Jimmy Two-Shoes & The Marvolus Mis-Adventures of Flap-Jack. Can someone PULEEZ attempt to make a halfway-decent show about a boy child having mis-adventures?

Voice Acting: Above average.

Dialogue: Below average.

Characters: The main character's Sister, Animal Patrol & The School Princial were just plain annoying, and I would have liked the show better if a meteor had come from the sky and 'gotten rid' of them. Most of the other characters were average or above average.
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