Enjoyable and different
25 July 2009
I usually don't write reviews but rather I usually read them to see if the film is something I truly want to watch or not. But given the one, and only, poor review on here so far I thought I'd add some perspective.

This film centers around Arlen, who is a irritable man who once authored an existential book but now lives in recluse and away from prying eyes. His character I find fully believable because there are many people who write a book or several books but don't want the fame handed them, they just simply wanted to write a good story or get their thoughts out, the fame was mere collateral damage. This is how Jeff Daniel's character feels. He dislikes people and attention in general. Partially due to not wanting the fame but partially due to having his own personal demons and issues. Along comes a struggling chiropractor who is trying to get her own business going and also a struggling recovering alcoholic who is trying to keep his small bookstore open. Their paths converge in various ways, of which I won't tell to leave some mystery to the reader. The chiropractor (Lauren Graham) eventually becomes Arlen's romantic interest. But it is not a simple or easy relationship and I don't feel that Arlen makes a magical unbelievable change as the prior review states. He is at first softened by her professional expertise and out of appreciation seems to let a door open and try to get to know her. I'd say him liking her son, and kids in general it seems, is part of his character. I would also say his character opens up to the bookstore owner (Pucci) because he is honest and persistent, things Arlen admires. Everyone has their demons and flaws in this movie which I feel add a certain honesty to the film. It didn't feel particularly flawed or predictable. Although there are a couple turn points and their consequences that felt predictable but in all I'd say it wasn't that predictable because of the characters not being formulaic. I thought the pacing was in general nice and enjoyable. If you want a dark comedy that becomes a bit lighter and romantic then this is for you. I'd say its a bit smarter and more enjoyable then most of the made for rudimentary teens romantic teens out there. Take this review at what you will but please read this and the prior for a more balanced view point of the film.
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