Review of Primeval

Primeval (2007)
11 August 2009
Gustave is a 30 foot crocodile who has killed hundreds of people in Africa.A news team is willing to help some people lure and capture the killer croc before it gets them.Basically, that's the movie's plot, and it didn't disappoint me.Many people didn't like this movie because they thought the movie was just about a killer and not a killer crocodile when they watched the trailer.If you get past the major differences between the trailers and the movie itself, you may actually enjoy this movie.There's also some pretty good special effects and a boatload of graphic violence and gore.Give this movie a shot if you can handle the brutality of the violence and the fact that the movie is not revolved around a human.It's revolved around a giant crocodile, so get used to it.Orlando Jones is also in this movie, and his character was quite pleasing.
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