Dark Waters (1993)
There is a good chance we are going to get killed anyway, so we may as well try and find out why.
18 August 2009
This is a strange and creepy movie. It is shot in the Ukraine, and in a place with no electricity and only candlelight. It has a creepy sound throughout, and very little dialog.

There are nuns that live in this harsh place and they spend a lot of time in flagellation. They also spend a lot of time doing things that make no sense whatsoever. I am sure it does to them, but we are left in the dark.

Elizabeth (Louise Salter) visits this strange place. She is there to find out why dear old dad had been making regular payments to these nuns.

Mother Superior (Mariya Kapnist), an old crone that must be a couple of hundred years old, assigns Sarah (Venera Simmons) to assist Elizabeth.

Her friend Theresa (Anna Rose Phipps) is gone before she gets there, and I am not sure I would trust Sarah.

The bottom line is that Elizabeth should have listened to her father.

Bloody, gory, creepy, suspenseful, in the tradition of Argento and Bava; a must see.
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