Review of Shark

Shark (2006–2008)
Another great show to get cancelled
19 August 2009
During the time this excellent show was on it was it competition against reality TV shows like Big Brother, American Idol, and Dancing with the Stars. Funny even in 2009 reality shows are still king I believe the same ones are still the top shows and yet there trash, what I don't understand is how people can watch that garbage when there are great shows such as this. The only reason I can come up with is they make good office talk other then that there are just that garbage that require not an once of thought.

Just look at Law and Order sure it was good when it first came out then it got boring so what did they do they made one criminal intent and SVU, no imagination needed. They did the exact same thing with CSI, now there's CSI Miami and NY, to keep true to form this season it's NCIS's turn start multiplying there adding Los Angeles.

If the Networks would only give a show a chance to grow instead of moving it time slot after time slot people would give up as easily. Networks don't care about people who are interested in shows other than reality TV they only care about rating if a show doesn't measure up they move it time slot or throw in a special every other week. It gets to the point where people have no choice but to lose interest, that exactly what the networks do. It just not fair to the people who are looking for a good quality show to enjoy.

Had this show been given a fair chance it should of lasted longer then it did just like many good shows that got axed for no valid reason. So wake up people before the networks only show reality TV so they can save a buck. Ask yourself do I want to watch Survivor for the next 5 to 10 years or The Listener. Great TV shows like Sharks don't come along often when they do give it a chance because its said to see them die for no good reason.
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