Review of Closure

Closure (2007)
Original In Its Own Way
20 August 2009
I personally thought this was a very intense and in your face movie. In today's society we find that many directors will walk that fine line between cliché and original. We all know that the rape revenge genre is not something that is new. I found this film to be very original in its own way. Gillian Anderson proves herself yet again to be a superb actress that not only can bring you into the story line, but also let you into the feelings that her character is. I am glad that the director took the opportunity to make this film gritty and yet very realistic. Everybody has a breaking point, and some act on it, as the couple in this movie did. There were times that I cringed and wanted to turn away but felt compelled to watch as of respect to the characters and the feelings that they so well portrayed. Many complain about the end, I for one think it had a very fitting ending, in which a realization of humanity is shown. Even the merciless can show mercy. If you are at home and see this on I would suggest seeing this.
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