21 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
To quote a certain John Cleese character from the "Dirty Fork" Monty Python sketch, "OOOH! It makes me mad! Maaad!" I know a movie is a stupid thing to be mad at, but wow... This movie stunk. I kind of liked the 50's nostalgia at the beginning of the movie, but it just went downhill after that. Most of the movie was a bunch of freakish morons watching a bad sci fi movie that Ann Robinson of War of the Worlds had the misfortune of starring in. Periodically, a slimy martian will devour someone in the theater . I wonder why the lame characters in bad movies always seem to live? Don't get me wrong. I love bad movies. Just not when they're this boring. It got so boring I had to fast forward to the end of the movie to see what happened. Turns out a 300 lb. woman eats the martian and the nerd gets the girl. Wonderful. Not. I sold this movie to Hastings as soon as I got the chance. It may be a parody of scifi of the past, but this movie is 1,000 times worse than the movies it's making fun of.
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