very strange it is........
31 August 2009
it is beyond me how a very badly received film got a sequel made. I thought it wasn't possible but just look at BloodRayne II a sequel to a bad film and no.2 was even worse.

I only saw this film just to see if this was as bad as the first film. I was ready for the mistakes from the first film but was surprised to find that film was mildly entertaining. none of the stupid jokes from film 1 were included and seemed more like a fantasy film rather than an overblown joke. yes the film did still look tacky like the prequel and the dialogue did sound a bit cheesy at times, but the acting was better, the story line didn't move to the left, to the right, upside down or inside out so i was able to follow the film without shouting WHAT THE HELL! 6 or 7 times.

the CGI was much worse however but because I knew what was going on I didn't worry about the CGI (Terminator 1 had the very tacky Arnold dummy during the mirror scene and is the film bad? no). This film had none of the actors from no.1 (apart from Bruce Payne as Damodar) so I was reassured that the characters were not going to say or do something pointless.

The film was darker than no.1 which is good and far more serious which is also good but just like the first film too many people were placed in the shots so the scenes still felt overcrowded.

its not a good film but it is not a bad film. still it beats the D&D 1 ten times over.
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