Biography: Bruce Lee: The Immortal Dragon (1994)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
15 September 2009
This is a featurette found on the DVD of The Big Boss, dealing with Bruce's life and career. It consists of narration, behind-the-scenes footage, clips from movies and a few interviews. I understand that some of the information herein is false, which is clearly not a good sign for a, y'know, *documentary*. Also, as has been pointed out by others here, the music chosen for this is the opposite mood of what it should be. So, is this a waste of the 50 minutes that it takes to watch? Not completely. It's fairly informational, and you get to see bits of his first screen test. I have no idea if any of what you see here is rare, as this is the only of these I have seen. This goes over his movies, the myths surrounding his death, and the impersonators that were integral in attempting to cash in on the fame of Lee and the wide-spread feeling that he was taken from audiences much too soon. It even comments on a couple of the martial arts stars that came after, including Seagal, Van Damme as well as his own son, Brandon, and his tragic death at a young age. Fairly well-edited and with fine pacing, you could do worse than this. I recommend this to fans of the man. 5/10
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