Good, but probably a knock-off.
30 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
On September 21, 1967, the TV show "Dragnet" aired a program called "The Shooting Board". In it, Joe Friday is off duty when he stumbles upon a guy rifling through vending machines at a laundromat. When Friday tells the guy to halt, the guy pulls a gun and shoots at Joe. Joe responds by firing back--killing the youth. However, the girlfriend of the assailant hides the gun and blames Joe for murder! And, at first, they can't find the gun and can't find the bullet the dead man fired--and it looks like Friday might be in SERIOUS trouble.

On November 8, 1968, the TV show "Hawaii Five-O" aired a program called "...And They Painted Daisies on His Coffin". In it, Danny Williams is off duty when he stumbles upon a guy stripping parts off someone else's car. When Danny tells the guy to halt, the guy pulls a gun and shoots at Danny. Danny gives chase and eventually one of Danny's stray bullets kills the youth. And, at first, they can't find the gun and can't positively say that they dead man fired--and it looks like Danny might be in SERIOUS trouble.

Some say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, though I'd say this episode was stolen from "Dragnet"...or at least "heavily inspired" by the other show! The plot ideas are identical in most every way. However, since "Hawaii Five-O" is a one hour show instead of half an hour (like "Dragnet"), they had to add some other plot elements to fill it out and make it workable in the time format. So, the process of locating the girlfriend (who took the gun and ran when her boyfriend fell) took much of the show and there was a subplot involving McGarrett getting the goods on "Big Chicken"--a major narcotics dealer played by Gavin MacLeod(!) of all people! Fortunately, these additions really did work pretty well. Plus, even though the story was stolen (and who knows, maybe "Dragnet" had done the same), it was interesting and entertaining.

By the way, MacLeod would return as Big Chicken once again in the next season in an episode called "The Box".
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