The Green Hornet (1966–1967)
Bruce Lee
12 October 2009
With the BATMAN TV show a runaway success in the 1960s, it was bound to spawn imitators. The only superhero show to follow, however, was "The Green Hornet," based on an old radio show and movie. Hollywood pretty boy Van Williams, who strongly resembled '60s heartthrob Fabian, played the masked supersleuth who chases down baddies in a souped-up Chrysler and with his sidekick, Kato, played by a very young Bruce Lee. The show was pretty awful, except for Kato's fight scenes, which is understandable for anyone who remembers Bruce Lee. In fact, as kids, we watched the show just to see Lee. Now the character is being made into a feature-length movie for 2010 release. Let's hope it improves on this short-lived TV series. If you catch any episodes of the old show, be patient and watch for Lee as he springs into King-fu mode.
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