Call of the Wild (1992 TV Movie)
Pitifully bad writing, atrocious score, and hackneyed acting
25 October 2009
When I saw the "Alan Smithee" credit for director, I knew I was in for a hard ride into the Yukon. London's classic novel is butchered mercilessly, and Rick Schroeder's voice over narration is often unintentionally hilarious. I had to wonder if the screenplay was the project of a round robin high school drama club; just absolutely turgid, predictable clichés at every turn.

The sets, which are supposed to be based on turn of the 20th century decor, are often way off, especially in one of the opening scenes at a mansion. I guess they figured conservative Christians would be watching and wouldn't notice such things (see other review from OK).

I'm only giving it two stars for the workmanlike, but sometimes nominally effective cinematography. This movie shouldn't happen to a dog.
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