Review of Triggermen

Triggermen (2002)
Simple but it works
3 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Recap: Two small time British crooks find themselves in Chicago, and after stealing the right suitcase find themselves in possession of a luxurious hotel suite and a lot of cash. They figure they can live it large a few days before they skip town and return home. But suddenly the suitcase they stole becomes very wrong when it becomes apparent that the room and money is intended for two hit men hired to assassinate a gangster boss also staying at the hotel. The situation quickly becomes chaotic. The two Brits tries to pose as killers to convince the rivaling gangster they are the hit men. The real hit men are searching and wondering where their job disappeared. And in the middle of it, as always, is a beautiful girl.

Comments: Could be hilarious, but isn't. Could be action packed, but isn't. Could be a serious gangster-movie, but isn't. Instead it is a toned down movie with a little from all. The story is nothing new, actually it is rather full of clichés we have seen many times before. It doesn't surprise with a high tempo or some action packed scenes, it almost seem fresh and new because it doesn't rely on such tricks. It is a rather average movie with a competent cast that simply works. It isn't close to being any masterpiece, but it entertains. Simply put, it is a fun movie.

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