Save on effects, pay better writers
4 November 2009
Echelon Conspiracy - a very promising title for fans of the genre. But how were we disappointed. If you like conspiracy movies, you have to be open to bending the rules of plausibility and statistics. But what they presented here was such complete and utter nonsense, delivered by the most stereotypic characters, that it almost made me angry. It's not the actors' fault, they did a good job (well, Shane West isn't exactly subtle but the film wasn't either). The locations were interesting, the filming was OK. But the story? Come on! Even the most open minded X Phile must be disappointed. And that one scene where a guy shoots a car and with the second shot the car explodes and jumps 2 meters into the air? Hello? Haven't seen that in a while because by now even James Bond fans don't buy that anymore. So while I really enjoy good conspiracy movies like Enemy of the State or Conspiracy Theory, this one was a lame attempt. You should have spent more time and money for the script.
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