The Heights (1992)
Lovely show ...
10 November 2009
Oh man, this brings back some years. This show made me picking up a guitar and wanted me to become a rock-star. I was in my teenage years and planned my run-away to California to found a band and to live to life of Rock'n'Roll.

Well, the show ended much too early, or maybe -in retrospect- at the right time. I'm not a rock star and did not do the runner to California, and did not set up a band. Guess I turned out alright - but when I listen to songs like "How do you talk to an angel" it really takes me back - and makes me wanna be a Rock'n'roll star all over again.

Great show, nice memories - but I'm not surprised it got sacked. Even good bands don't make it to their second album. Did really anybody expect the Heights to do more than one season? I didn't.

Anyway, can you buy it on DVD? Is worth it.
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