True Blood: Burning House of Love (2008)
Season 1, Episode 7
Love and addiction
21 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Having consummated her relationship with Bill Sookie is convinced that he the one for her and that any violent instincts he might have are firmly under control, although it appears this isn't quite true when he goes off to deal with Sookie's uncle who had inappropriate thoughts (and possibly deeds) about her when she was a child. Sookie doesn't want everybody to know that she slept with Bill but after telling one friend everybody knows and most do not approve.

Sookie isn't the only person with problems, her friend Tara takes her mother to see an exorcist as she continues to blame her alcoholism on a demon. Whether the exorcist is genuine or not is hard to tell, after all if vampires are real in the contexts of the story why not demons? Sookie's brother Jason seems to have his own demon too, in his case an addiction to vampire blood which takes him to Fangtasia, the vampire bar. Here he meets a hippy girl who has what he needs.

Things heat up at the end, literally, when a vampire's house is burnt down and four coffins found, it looks like Bill may have been in one of them... although I'd bet he wasn't.

As with other episodes the acting has been good, something that is essential in a story where the view must suspend their disbelief and accept that there are vampires living openly in the American south. The location itself obviously helps with the prejudices against the vampires mirroring earlier racial prejudices.
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