24 November 2009
1978?! Wow, I don't believe it - the special effects are more than a decade out of date - strings show all over the place, especially when the captain goes floating through 'outer-space.' Besides, this is the kind of movie we would use to leave the car and visit the john and buy a burger or pop-corn at a drive in, waiting for the main feature - back in the '60s; by 1978 that culture was dead. I can't imagine where they would have shown this, it is so sub-grind-house, if that were possible - perhaps they were expecting to get on Italian TV or something. There's no excuse for it.

Occasionally amusing fight scenes, a story that makes no sense whatsoever (for instance, a cave-dwelling warrior becomes a computer wiz on the space-ship's crew with no training art all), acting out of the sleep-walk school, and less-than-minimally-competent work by crew behind the camera - if it didn't lag so often it would be a MST2K hit
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