A foreign Johnny Guitar western.
2 January 2010
Down memory lane with me. In LA around the 60's on the independent TV channel KTTV 11 after the Saturday morning cartoons a western block comprising of 4 to 6 hours of programing took place. From the ages of ten to 16 I would enjoy FRONTIER FURY, BEST OF THE WEST, and THE BIG WESTERN MOVIE. The movie with the US title Guns of Nevada was shown repeatedly. Now I have not seen it since about 1969. It is a West German production but the majority of the actors seem to be Italian or Spanish. Regardless I enjoyed the movie and hope I can obtain on DVD. George Martin is Nevada Joe Dexter a swaggering Shane like hombre who gets involved with 2 women in this town. Like the principals in Johnny Guitar a subtle triangle develops with Joe and the heroines Laura, the head of a ranch hiring him as the ramrod and Mary who is either a saloon gal or owner. My memory may be faulty so bear with me. There is a lot more action in this oater, fist fights gun fights. roping and romance. The ranch owner wears the same sexy black outfit Jane Russell sported in Son of Paleface. She was not pretty like Jane,but her character playing the bossy whip slinging allowed Adrianna Amdesi to make a smoldering impression on me. The nice girl was actually Mary the saloon girl played by Katia Lortiz. I hope that I have the right actresses for the right character. A good foreign entry in to the Western cannon for me with a small twist and a more than satisfactory end. Despite the dubbing and locale I rate this movie as good or better than the first Sergio Leone - Eastwood outing. Maybe because I'm nostalgic or that I still Like old fashion westerns it a little more bit of modern romance.
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