Nightmare Man (2006)
Evil Is Inside Me
4 January 2010
Ellen (Blythe Metz) orders an African hand-carved mask from Rome to resolve her fertility problem with her husband William (Luciano Szafir). After receiving a wrong mask, Ellen insists that the demon Nightmare Man is attacking her and she needs pills to keep him under control inside her, but the doctors diagnose her as paranoid schizophrenic. On the way to be committed in the remote Devonshine Institute, the car runs out of gas and Bill leaves Ellen in the car while he walks to a gas station 10 miles away. Ellen is attacked by the Nightmare Man but she escapes through the woods, reaching the house of Mia (Tiffany Shepis) that is receiving her boyfriend Ed (Jack Sway) and the friends Trinity (Hanna Putnam) and her fiancé Jack (James Ferris). They shelter her and call Bill that tells them about the delusional state of Ellen, and they do not call the police. Sooner they discover that the deadly Nightmare Man is outside threatening their lives and they realize that Ellen was telling the truth.

"Nightmare Man" is a good low-budget slash movie with many twists in the story. There are many bad reviews in IMDb but I liked this movie, maybe because I do not read reviews before watching the movie and writing mine. Unfortunately Rolfe Kanefsky should research before writing – he would discover that Brazil does not produce tequila and this drink is imported usually from Mexico. Therefore his reference to "Brazilian tequila" is absolutely wrong and does not exist; next time, try to use Brazilian "cachaça". My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): Not Available
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