Hotel Reserve (1944)
Direction by Commitee
13 January 2010
I only rated this 5/10 and would have expected it to be a 'B' feature before the big film, had I been in a cinema in 1944.As other reviewers have pointed out it looks like it was steered by a committee of directors to wit, Lance Comfort, Mutz Greenbaum (as Max Greene) and Victor Hanbury who fell over each other and got into a terrible mess.

My first criticism is the film was obviously studio bound and had a claustrophobic feel to it throughout, especially for a film which purported to be set in the south of France.I know it was war time but Cornwall in the summer would have made a good substitute location.In that same year 1944 "Love Story" was made on location in Cornwall and London which added to the reality of the story.Other reviewers mention Hitchcock who was partial to actual exterior locations when the film demanded it.I suppose the producers were constrained in wartime by budgets.

My second criticism was the unconvincing sets, never more noticeable than when James Mason climbs a ladder to a rooftop and you see what purports to be an iron ladder bend and sway - one for continuity.I do like a bit of the authentic language spoken, in this case French which was noticeable by its absence.A few "Messeur", "Mesdames" and "Merci" thrown in just will not do.In this regard the scriptwriters should have made a bigger part for Patricia Medina whose father was Spanish, hence her surname and as a linguist she could also speak French & Italian.I liked the eye candy of Lucy Mannheim (James Mason's German sounding girlfriend) but as stated by others she was not given enough of the script to establish her character.With a few deft opening scenes in "The 39 Steps" (1935) Hitchcock makes Lucy Mannheim's character much more memorable even after we have seen the charms of Madeleine Carroll.

My third main criticism is that for a thriller and "who-done-it" it was curiously lacking tension and excitement, which brings me back to my review title.It certainly did not lack a quality cast James Mason, Herbert Lom, Raymond Lovell, Lucy Mannheim etc. so I can only blame the scriptwriters and directors for its flat outcome.
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