A fitting end to a classy show that always rang true
5 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
What was great about Daria was her dry sense of humor and insight, plus the fact that I have NEVER encountered a 17 year old who is that self confident and together. Come to think of it, I have never encountered a 37 year old who is that self confident and together. Daria had an admirable sense of self that could not be rattled by the conventions of others. This movie wraps up the Daria series and deals with the outcome of the college plans of Daria, her boyfriend Tom, best friend Jane, and classmates Jodie and Mack. Also, Daria's sister, superficial Quinn, gets her first real job and actually grows up to the point where she realizes that she doesn't need the fashion club anymore in order to define herself.

Daria gets confirmation of what she already knows - that connections and personality trump brains - when distinguished college Bromwell passes her over for admittance, but accepts her old-moneyed and more conventionally likable boyfriend, Tom. When Daria realizes that after graduation she will have a long distance romance with Tom that will eventually end badly, she decides to break up with him in order to keep what she really values most - his friendship. How many adult women would come to that conclusion without the involvement of much kicking and screaming?

One of my favorite parts of the movie were the end credits in the original broadcast where we see what happens to the characters in the future. Mack and Kevin have marketed their own brand of food products, Miss Lee has become a shut-in ala Howard Hughes, covering everything with aluminum foil in an attempt to keep out the radio waves of anyone who is listening to her, Jodie is a high-powered business woman opening what appears to be a casino, and finally, we see Daria and Jane sitting in front of a banner entitled "Good Mornings With Daria and Jane", apparently hosting their own TV talk show.
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