The Wolfman (2010)
Predictable, Lousy Story With 2001-Looking Special Effects
19 February 2010
When I went to go see "The Wolfman" I had pretty low expectations. This movie was sure not to surpass them.

In fact, one high expectation that I had for this movie was towards the special effects. I was not expecting much in the way of story, but I was certain that the effects would be quite good. The first thing that stuck out like a sore thumb was the bear at the gypsy commune. It looked really bad. It felt as though they were using techniques from a decade ago. Beyond the terrible looking bear, I thought the deer looked very bad and the werewolves did not look as good as they should have.

I feel as though it is pretty tricky to make a movie about a werewolf. There is only so much you can do with a character that is only a monster one night a month. I believe that it is possible to make a successful wolfman movie, but the creators of this production did not think out the box enough. Instead, they went for a standard issue script that had little imagination throughout. Everything seemed to follow a formula and was very, very predictable.

The dialogue throughout the first half of the movie did not mean anything for me. It felt more like space filler before they really took off with the action. The characters were mindlessly talking about curses and fate and God forsaking people, but none of it really felt like anything was actually being said. Bad, bad writing.

The cast were all A listers, but all performances seemed uninspired. I felt like I have seen Anthony Hopkins in this very same role before.

After walking out of the theater I really felt that I just wasted almost two hours.
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