Almost Famous (2000)
Classic. Great Blend of music and storytelling!!!
19 February 2010
"Cameron Crowe's Almost Famous" holds a special place in my film collection. With memorable performances and a kick-ass soundtrack, Almost Famous is a perfect blend of music and storytelling.

Anytime you have Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin on a soundtrack, its always going to be good. However any film can have good music, but if the plot is crap ("Feel The Noise") then the film as a whole is shi**y. "Almost Famous" is NOT. The plot is about a high school boy who is given the chance to write a story for Rolling Stone Magazine about an up-and-coming rock band as he accompanies it on their concert tour. It sounds simple, but nonetheless original. With a director like Cameron Crowe you know its good, in this case, Its a classic and perhaps one of the best films of that decade.

The cast as a whole did a great job in adapting to their characters. All were very convincing and honest. Roles such as the "groupies" could have easily been over-exaggerated and vague but were handled very well, among them, Kate Hudson. Kate's performance as the wildly entertaining groupie "Penny Lane" is probably the greatest of her career. She was Charismatic, Sexy and Vulnerable all in one. Other memorable performances come from Patrick Fugit who plays the films main protagonist William Miller or should i say, "The Enemy". All in all a spectacular job by the cast as a whole. This film has been a huge part of my life.

I first saw this film back in 2001 when i was 12. Was a huge fan of music, especially hiphop. However after watching "Almost Famous", instantly i became a fan of music from the 60s/70s era. As a 12 year old then, i never knew the likes of Black Sabbath, David Bowie, Jimi Hendrix, Brenton Wood, Smokey Robinson or even Led Zeppelin. Never knew how MUCH BETTER music was in that golden era. This film completely changed my perspective on music. Im a still a hiphop fan, but none of that compares to Jimi's Purple Haze entrance. Since this film, my whole mindset has been on producing music. Today, im in my sophomore year at University studying music theory, composition and production. That is how much impact this film has had on me. Overall, its probably my favourite movie.
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