tries to hard, but has it's moments
4 March 2010
I was lured by the blu-ray box, which claimed Megan Fox is even hotter in this format. What can I say? Couldn't resist. Actually the film isn't as bad as many say, it just tries to hard. Diablo Cody may have shot herself in the foot with this one, or the mouth as the dialog is rather arch, but the film does have it's moments.

To boot, Jennifer and her BFF Needy (Amanda Seyfried) go to club in a tiny mid-west town in the boondocks, it burns to the ground, but not before ultra-hottie Jennifer Check hooks up with a goth band. They try to sacrifice her virgin soul to the Dark Lord, but as Jenn lets you know, "I'm not even a back-door virgin". So the spell goes awry. Not that this makes much sense, but little does really in Cody's world. Needy notices the changes first and boys start turning up looking like "Lasagna with teeth" Nice line Diablo!!

The film is awful at the start, but does get better as it goes. A shot of a nude Jenn swimming across a pristine lake is about as arty as the flick gets. A Later scene where she attempts so seduce Needy is bizarrely out of place, but certainly affective. The climactic battle at the pool is rather cheap, seems left over from elementary writing days, but the battle between Needy and Jenn has some nice moments.

The film can't seem to finish though, Needy's revenge, this was her friend after all, is done over the end credits, rendering it irrelevant. The music score is irritating too, rather than driving the suspense, it buries the dialog and hurts your head. I'm a metal fan, I don't say these things lightly.

Megan Fox and Amanda Seyfried do nice work here, but combining horror and comedy is tough. "Scream" did it perfectly, to see it done badly see "Cursed" with Christina Ricci. Case in point, cracking jokes at the werewolf when it's supposed to seem scary just doesn't work. Same deal here, JB isn't as bad as "C" at it, but it still renders the horror weak.

There is a lot of gore here, some projectile vomiting scenes could have been cut down, so don't watch after you've eaten, but if your curiosity must be sated... Well there are worse ways to spend two hours than looking at Megan Fox.
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