Review of Iron Man

Iron Man (2008)
Iron man rocks!
4 March 2010
Iron Man, based on the MArvel comics character, is a fun ride from start to finish. Robert Downey Jr. does a good job and Gwyneth Paltrow is surprisingly appealing as his assistant, ahem-Pepper Potts. The effects are really good and the score, which features AC/DC and Black Sabbath, is first rate.

That's not to say it doesn't run out of gas about halfway in, that the middle section of the film is really boring. Hey if I wanted to watch someone work with a computer all day, I got to the Microsoft office!! The giant robot climax is pretty silly too. Still kudos to Jon Favreau for a good sense of humor here. You can't possibly take a comic book film too seriously and he doesn't. Downey has lots of fun with that, I did feel though that he never really takes Tony Stark beyond that playboy we meet in the first five minutes. Also I love Jeff Bridges, but what was he doing in this, Obie is such a moron! Any thinking bad guy would've iced Pepper when he found her in his office. I mean c'mon!! At least he rebounded with "Crazy Heart", but sheesh.

Iron Man is pretty good action, despite it's flaws and it's miles above pretentious nonsense like "Unbreakable". So if you like this sort of thing, you're likely to be pleased.
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