It's Physics You Bitch
15 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
OK, I want to start by hypothesizing about how this movie got made.

Four kids from a high school film class in the suburbs of some small city in northern California accidentally find a professional quality movie camera in an attic. They agree they are going to make a movie. However, all four of these kids have a different idea about what direction the movie should take, and they all take turns behind the camera. One wants there to be parties and illegal road racing. One wants there to be a commentary on the pain in the world. One wants there to be a deep spiritual message, and another really wanted some hard science fiction. They convince the somewhat hot girl from their high school that somewhat kinda knows how to act to play the role of the crazy mouthy bitch from the suburbs that is going to save the world somehow with chemistry and I quote "It's physics you bitch!". They somehow talk some of their parents that can NOT act into playing the roles of a few of the adults, but apparently this group of kids is so cool that they don't have parents in the movie. In fact, they've talked their parents into playing the homeless people that live in the woods. Not kidding. In the role of supporting actress, is the somewhat hot girl's best friend that definitely can't act. They get the hot guys from the high school varsity football team that also can not act to play the "hot guys" in their little movie. One of their parents was apparently LOADED and had enough cash to get professional sound editing done, and 5 total minutes of screen time from a REAL b grade actor. At that point they somehow managed to edit together a whole bunch of disjointed footage(a lot of shots done with the safest of the first year film student techniques) and came up with a plot for it sorta. That's what this movie feels like. Exactly like that.

OK, now the review.

I'm going to see if the rifftrax guys want to take a stab at this film. I'm going to highly suggest it. There are moments when the acting is so unbelievably bad, you want to rush to the credits to see if the direction was provided by Tommy Wiseau. There are moments when the plot is so overlapping, redundant, pointless, bizarrely nonsensical, or missing, that you want to see if the original screenplay was written by Alejandro Jodorowsky. There are times when the main character is doing "science stuff" that the fact the movie is trying to sell her as some sort of new-age genius is downright hilarious. Message? You won't find one of those here. There aren't even any likable characters. You can not relate to, nor have any positive feelings for any character in this "movie". I think they were hoping they could BS people into believing there was "deeper meaning" in this effort, but I don't know too many people gullible enough to fall for that. I hope their teacher failed them. I did.
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