The Pacific (2010)
The worst war depiction I have ever seen
19 April 2010
The worst war depiction I have ever seen and I have seen just about every WWII movie ever produced, its lacks direction, action and especially individual courage that many were known to have shown in the Pacific. I don't know if there were too many Egos who wrote, directed and produced but some thing went wrong from the start and at the rate its going it can't recover seeing were 6 episodes in.

This is more like a daytime soap opera or a Documentary than a made for TV epic series as described because the only thing epic about it is how much its boring. Never have I fell sleep watching a war movie except for this one and not only once did I fall asleep but it happened 3 times already.

Had they made just a long movie without all the extra garbage it would of had a chance to be good like the movie Patton which I watched Yesterday again for over 50 times. Yet The Pacific can't even be used in the same sentence as P.....

I rated it 2 stars only because I am a war movie buff and it has warlike similarities whomever rates this a 10 has to be a chick after all it is a soap more than a war mini series. This should be in the negatives numbers for all I care.

Yes I will watch until the last episode I'm a sucker for punishment but I will never watch it ever again, its too painful to watch it more than once.

Well here we are episode 8 another episode I fell asleep to "yawn" is the deception I would give this whole series. Its a poor man Hollywoodized drivel. This could have easily been summed up in a 1 1/2 hour made for TV movie about Sgt. John Basilone, instead of a 10 hour snore fest. After re-watching episode 8 from where I fell a sleep, Tom Hanks and company managed to show me 10 minutes of war about Iwo Jima.

Iwo Jima was a very important battle in which left 6,821 Americans dead and 19,217 wounded and yet the writers made it look like just another day at the beach.Iwo Jima was also the only U.S. Marine battle that American casualties exceeded the Japanese in the Pacific war even though Japanese combat deaths were three times as many American. Tom Hanks and company should be ashamed for disgracing all the men who died there or were seriously wounded.

As I said had it been a short movie on a war hero and his friends it might of passed but this is just plain garbage and for all of you who thinks this is great and give it a 10. I have 2 questions for you are you sure your watching the same show as the 5 and less ratings or are you a chick voting because you think they're cute guys and romance? It has to be one or the other I can't see no other reason for this being even near an 8 let alone a perfect 10

Well I decided to watch the last episode praying it would be better than episode 8 I thought heck it couldn't get any worse. To my surprise it was and after the part where Leckie was on a date I just turned of the TV and went to bed my sleep was so much better than the lost half hour that I won't ever get back.

People say not to compare it to Band of Brothers well you have to seeing it was the same people who did this junk. I feel very embarrassed for all the soldiers who thought they would finally get recognition they truly deserve, but all they got was just plain crap. This series was a waste of $200 million dollars that it cost to make. The money would have been better served just giving it to all the veterans of WWII Pacific Theater that are left
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