Excellent remake on 3d.
24 April 2010
injury idiots

I was convinced that this site, as usual, this movie would rate low, I saw this movie and found it great. See it in 3d then it was a spectacle, this site is very predictable, and I like the dull mind budding independent user trial Dimitris T wrote It made me sad watching this. For me I see the negative comments below and your comments make me sad and then for reasons we know that Hollywood film deforms the original stories. For example, Americans have deformed the dramatic story of Thermopylae in 300 because you have given him more than 8.7?? In my opinion deserve special effects only pr 6.1. But you suffer from likes and dislikes for the film, then the actor Liam Nesson and avatars read well. It 'not true Perseus fought the Kraken and the giant scorpions, but nevertheless remains a good film. Dimitri ask you to push the producers of his miserable country to make a film like that. Now lower the voting well clash of Titans dell'1981 of Ray Harryhausen. See it in 3D and raise the rate to 8.1 injury idiots. until the end shall never see this site the comments are totally busted. I do not understand you have put the old version 6.7 while the new 6.1, oh well that many are nostalgic for the 80s but how can a film of the nearly 30 years to be higher than now. And 'logic that the film now are better speciai effects as compared to 30 years ago, certain that the human brain is difficult to understand because the last chapter of Indiana Jones while many have attacked the last previous very idealized because belong to passatosono been appreciated. Dimitri go to wash the horses cocks. Clash of the Titans is worth 6.1 (1981) while the new 8.1, here also tend to make many psychologists and sentimentalists enough to see that crap of "There Will Be Blood and the Gran Torino overestimated what you gave. I do not understand you have put the old version 6.7 while the new 6.1, oh well that many are nostalgic for the 80s but how can a film of the nearly 30 years to be higher than now. it's 'logic that the film now are better speciai effects as compared to 30 years ago, certain that the human brain is difficult to understand because the last chapter of Indiana Jones while many have attacked the last previous very idealized because belong to past have been appreciated . Dimitri go to wash the horses cocks. Until the end of this site will consult the more because of the stupid prejudices and opinions of the members that there are idiots in here, raise the voting nostalgic idiots. But those who believe to be the judge Rhadamanthus, Minos and Aeacus?? Your opinions are worth less than zero, you have mental barriers to judge a film, pieces of idiots. But that mishmash is a great movie Chalice of Evil you're obviously a meatloaf or mishmash idiot,son of asshole. You do not understand, do not understand cinema boo, this is a brothel. It 'did very well, how many write nonsense, my god, the greatest nonsense that the human mind can bear, obviously do not know what to do.

Chalice of Evil increases the voting

See it in 3D environments are extraordinary

Rating 8.1
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