UFO: Flight Path (1971)
Season 1, Episode 15
Pretty interesting...but wow, is that a stupid couple!
30 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
While this is the 15th episode of "UFO", on the DVD set it's the third episode. Why they mixed them all up, I have no idea! The show takes a very interesting direction. It seems that there is a traitor within SHADO who, against his will, is helping the aliens! While this man is pretty highly placed in the agency, he apparently is a bit of a ninny, as he agrees to help the baddies simply because they have threatened his wife. His easy acquiescence and his wife's dumb actions later, convince me that this is one of the dumbest couples in history! When this plot is discovered and the man uncovered, the episode mostly becomes quite interesting. I say 'mostly' because I was surprised at just how stupid the traitor's wife turned out to be. In a nice show of chutzpah, she shoots an attacker as he tries to break into the house to kill her. However, he isn't quite dead and his gun is a few feet away. As he struggles to claw at the fallen gun, she just stands there!! She does nothing--just standing there until the guy can pick up the gun and kill her--which he does! What's with that?! He had already been shot once with a close-range shotgun blast and it seemed to take him forever to claw towards the gun...yet that idiot just stands there!! The episode would have gotten an 8 but I deducted a point for making a character just too stupid to live! Still, it is fascinating despite this and holds up well today. Plus, you get to see the really cool cars they built for this show. What happened to them?! I'd love one!
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