Old Skool Trash … Almost!
23 May 2010
"Trailer Park of Terror" is another new movie to cash in on the contemporary immensely popular trend of 70's horror revival. These movies intend to re-create the Grindhouse atmosphere through a combination of raw atmosphere, hillbilly characters and extreme nihilistic violence. What better setting to combine all these elements than a trailer park full of Southern yokels, director Steven Goldmann ingeniously must have thought, and he looked for inspiration in the repertoire of Imperium Comics publishing. For the most part, he succeeded. "Trailer Park of Terror" is a repellent and occasionally quite provocative trash-movie with all the clichés and stereotypes you expect (and hope) to find in this sort of film. It's a kind of tawdry fairy-tale, but one with sleazy protagonists and loads of foul language. One part of the film actually illustrates the life and suffering within a trailer park located somewhere either in Tennessee, Georgia or Northern Alabama (the plot is never clear on that) and the other part takes place nearly 30 years later, in present day, when a bus full of juvenile delinquents and their chaperon get stranded in the area and have to spend the night there. For you see, the trailer park grounds have been cursed ever since Norma, a feisty white trash babe, accepted the gun of a long-haired stranger and annihilated the entire park because they killed her rich lover boy and thus ruined her chances of ever getting out of there. Now, Norma and the rest of the rednecks live on as zombies and feast their Southern lusts on the innocent passerby. Norma herself likes to chop off heads whilst having sex, heavyweight lady Larlene is always on the lookout for "fresh meat", Miss China gives very deadly massages, Stank has a recipe for human jerky and rocking zombie Roach has explosives planted all over the park. The sequences that are actually taking place in the trailer park are the undeniable highlights of the film. It barely takes two extended scenes to show all the typical clichés linked to this particular social habitat, like prostitution, domestic disturbance and plundering. The plot with the teenagers trying to survive is more familiar and derivative, but still there are some inventive murders and quite a lot of engrossing special effects. Most of film takes place during night time, so you'll often find yourself staring at a black screen and the editing is quite rough. The soundtrack is pretty cool, with a combination of country music and hard rock, and the cast is appealing.
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