The Woods (2006)
Pedestrian, predictable and not much fun besides.
20 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This one was a bit of a dog's breakfast, to put it bluntly. First and foremost, the screenplay was as confusing as it was clichéd. What for instance did Heather's ability to balance small stones and rocks have to do with anything? Through what mechanism was Heather 'chosen' to become a sacrifice? Why was the movie set in 1965 necessarily? Even if they did rejuvenate themselves how did the three witches who ran the school manage to keep their jobs for decades? What happened after the school burned down and the students told their stories? And so on and so forth. These and other questions beget by the slapdash plotting and lack of exposition kept on mounting up, but such irksome little mysteries were no distraction from 'The Woods's lead-booted direction and incredibly clichéd storyline. Once both the plot line and its strictly routine execution were established, it was obvious that the rest of the movie was going to be mere clock-punching, and that the 'surprises' and inevitable outcome were as predictable as the eternal changing tides. Oh, and the slithery CGI attack of the titular Woods was a bit cornball, too.
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