Took and Co. (1977– )
Barry goes N.U.T.S. again
7 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
One year after Yorkshire T.V.'s one-season wonder 'N.U.T.S', Barry Took was back in a follow-up sketch show with a mostly new cast ( only Chris Emmett returned ) which included Robin Bailey ( 'Uncle Mort' in the B.B.C.'s 'I Didn't Know You Cared' ), Andrew Sachs ( famous for playing a Spanish waiter in some series or other ), David Battley ( from Eric Idle's wonderful 'Rutland Weekend Television' ), and Gwen Taylor ( also from 'R.W.T.' ). Again the quality of the sketches varied, some were by David Renwick and Miles Kington. Amongst these were a Jubilee Song Contest featuring contestants drawn from all four corners of the U.K., a gentlemen reflecting on his Spanish holiday, a tramp collecting for charity, a spoof 'Just So...' story, a week by the seaside told in song, a new look at news presentation, and what happens to unfaithful wives in France. The one that has registered with me concerned a useless Welsh detective ( Bailey ), described by Took as the 'Hercule Poirot' of Porthcawl. Emmett did his Jim Callaghan impression again, by reading out Jim's diary ( not his real one ): "Monday...woke up...had toast for breakfast...biggest financial meltdown in history...cut toenails and went to bed!".

He also sang a gay version of Rolf Harris' 'Two Little Boys' with the explicit bits bleeped out. It went something like this: "Two little boys ( bleep! )...each had a wooden ( bleep! ). Do you think I would leave you ( bleep! ). There's room on my ( bleep! ) for two!".

Barry was still on hand to link the sketches and perform monologues. I.T.V. put this out late at night, a different slot from the one allocated to 'N.U.T.S'. Did it think the show no good? Or simply too rude? The presence of Sachs should have been enough to guarantee a big audience. He played 'Manuel' in one item - singing a comic song while serving irate customers.

If this is ever released on D.V.D. ( and I hope it is ), it should be combined with 'N.U.T.S.' so we can see see how different both shows were. The former was corny but good-natured, the latter saltier ( and Gwen Taylor was very sexy in 1977! )
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