12 July 2010
I saw this movie long time ago I was in my country Cuba and I was very young in my early teens I went to the movie with my cousin Manny in my small town of the east part of Cuba named Banes, this movie is wonderful is a tragedy and a musical La Polaca the star of the movie never was more beautiful this is a very well done Spanish movie from the early 70s and La Polaca a flamenco singer and a dancer was at the PEAK of her career she became star early on in her life she was part of the flamenco dance company in nyc of Jose Greco she even danced and sing at the Ed Sullivan show , she went back to Spain in the mid 60s and became a major star she even has a part in a Brigitte Bardot movie , i love the end of this movie is sad but so tragic and romantic you will love it La polaca has die in june 2 of lung cancer she was 65 years old
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